Andrea White trading as A W Fire Ltd
Stress-free fire safety solutions. Dedicated to competence.
Professional Fire Safety Support for Designers & Developers
Looking for expert advice and consultancy services for your building development project? Turn to A W Fire for professional and competent support.
Working closely with clients; proud to offer high-quality fire safety advice and support.
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Planning Fire Safety Strategies
The London Plan D12(A) guidance requires a Planning Fire Safety Strategy to be written by a competent person and submitted at planning stage. This standalone document ensures that fire safety is considered at an early stage of development and sets out fire appliance access, firefighting provisions, means of escape and building construction materials, as well as active and passive fire safety measures to be installed. Expertly and succinctly drafted for submission as part of your planning application.
Fire Statements
The London Plan Policy D12 requires planning applications for all major development proposals to be submitted with a Fire Statement. As part of Planning Gateway One, the requirement for a Fire Statement is now also in force across all of England for developments involving high-rise residential buildings. The Fire Statement considers land use aspects such as site layout, water supplies for fire-fighting and access for fire appliances. Drawing on Fire Service experience and fire safety knowledge to craft a succinct Fire Statement for your development.
Design Fire Strategies
Assessing your design plans at early RIBA stages against an agreed set of fire safety objectives, then confirming and documenting appropriate fire safety measures to meet those objectives. Continuing to work with you during construction, clarifying any assumptions and assessing any build changes for compliance with Part B of the Building Regulations. Amendment of the design fire strategy and production of an as-built version of the fire strategy for client handover.
Regulation 38 Information
On handover at RIBA Stage 6, Regulation 38 requires those who've carried out the building work to pass fire safety information to the Responsible Person. This information includes as-built plans (showing all fire safety measures), specifications of fire safety equipment provided, assumptions relating to building management and provisions for the evacuation of disabled persons. Collating all the required information to ensure that your Regulation 38 duties are complied with and the Responsible Person receives the information they need in an accessible format, in line with the golden thread principles.
Pre-occupation Fire Safety Assessment
Prior to occupation, assessment of the completed building against the as-built fire strategy to ensure that designed fire safety measures have been installed.
Timber Frame Fire Spread Risk Assessments
All timber frame construction sites require a fire spread risk assessment, as per HSG168 and in line with the CDM Regulations 2015. Application of the Structural Timber Association's guidance to assess the risk of fire spread between buildings under construction within the site boundary, the risk of fire spread beyond the site boundary during development and the risk to off-site escape routes.
Part B Compliance Services
Ad-hoc safety consultancy relating to Part B (Fire Safety) of the Building Regulations. This includes boundary separation distance assessments to BR187, B1 means of escape assessments for Building Control acceptance and specific advice on other aspects of Building Regulations B1 to B5.
Expert Advice and Services
Proud to support designers and developers with their build projects.